Helping Institutions Meet Their Training Needs

VR and AI combine to provide institutions with effective and scalable training.

Sign up for a free consultation to see if our Med U - Application to see how we can help with your training needs.

Trusted by Hundreds of Medical Students world Wide

Developed on Unreal Engine

Proud Partner of

Unlimited Practice

Practice as histories, physical exams, and procedures till you master them with no limits on attempts.

Why Use Med U

Personalized AI Learning

Our system learns your strengths and weaknesses to make sure content is personalized to your learning needs.

Speech Integration

Speech Integration means that you can directly speak with these virtual patients for histories and physical exams.

More About Med

Med U is developed by SimTec MD, a software development company that focuses on AI and VR technologies.

SimTec MD has two main products, Med Valley which is sold direct to medical students and MedU for medical institutions.

What Medical Students Say

What Feature Do We Have?

Our digital patients respond to speech, allowing you to have a more natural experience as you interact with patients.

Speech Interaction

MedU is growing and our team of developers is committed to pushing out features and cases that you want.

New Updates Monthly

This personalized clinic tracks all your cases and presents you with the next most needed care, while periodically review older cases you need to refresh.

My Clinic

The Meta Quest VR headset is the most popular headset with costs as low as $299. Our application works on the Quests 1, 2, 3, and Pro.

Used On All Quest Headsets

There are over 140 unique clinical interactions that can be performed on our virtual patients.

Physical Exams

Practice clinical reasoning with our history patients that tell you about their conditions.

History Taking

Learn more at a free 30-min consultation

Meet with one of our reps to help us better understand your needs to see how Med U could assist.

Trusted by Hundreds of Medical Students world Wide

Developed on Unreal Engine

Proud Partner of